
Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati : Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, FAQ

Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati

Manufacturer Patanjali Divya Pharmacy
Composition empty space
Type Vati
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How to use Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati

This medicine Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati has Dhak (Butea monosperma), Pittpapra (Fumaria indica), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Pashanbhed (Saxifraga ligulata), Varun (Crataeva nurvula), Kulthi (Dolichos biflorus), Apamarg (Achyrantherefore aspera), Kasni (Cichorium intybus), Peepal (Ficus religiosa), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Makoy(Solanum nigrum), Gokhru Chwarma (Tribulus terrestris), Dhamasa (Fagonia Arabica), Kush (Desthe majority ofachya bipinnata), Kash (Saccharum spontaneum), Dhan (Oryza sativa), Sarkanda (Saccharum munja), Ikshu (Saccharum officinarum), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Oontkatora (Echinops echinatus), Arni (Premna integrifolia), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Satavar (Aspragus racemosus), Vidhari (Pueraria tuberose), Kateri Chwarmi (Solanum xanthocarpum), Kateri Badi(Solanum indicum), Jav (Hordeum vulgare), Kutki(Picrorhiza kurroa) and Gond (Acacia acacia) as a mix of ingredients. Key advantages/uses of Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati: – Beneficial in swelling – Used renal illnesss – Highly advantageous in renal dysfunction (Chronic Renal Failure) Instructions for use/Dosage: – Take 1-2 taballows of Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati twice or thrice daily after meal with water or as guided by the medical specialist Indications: – Renal conditions, renal stones, urinary tract infections Storage guidelines: – Store the formulation in cool and dry place Safety details: – Read the label totally before use – Do not surpass the recommended dosage – Keep out of the reach and sight of children

How Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati works in the body

According to scientific research, this medicine works in the body per below(ME/1)

Read the label of the pack to understand about how this medicine work in the body. Because function of this medicine may vary as per used ingredients to prepare it.


What are the Side effects of Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati

Scientific studies indicate, below mentioned side effects may occur while taking this medicine such as(ME/2)

  • Not enough or limited scientific data available for side effects of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any side effects may occur after using this medicine.

Precautions to be taken while taking Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati

As per several scientific studies, some precautions need to be taken while taking this medicine such as(ME/3)

  1. Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with food of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken with food.

Safety instructions before taking Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati

  • Alcohol : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with alcohol of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken with alcohol.
  • Pregnancy : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction during pregnancy of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken during pregnancy.
  • Lactation : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction during lactaction of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken during lactaction.
  • Kidney : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with function of the kidney of this medicine, or, read the label of the pack to understand about if it affects with function of the kidney.
  • Liver : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with function of the liver of this medicine, or, read the label of the pack to understand about if it affects with function of the liver.
  • Driving : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with function of the brain of this medicine, or, read the label of the pack to understand about if this medicine affects with function of the brain such as sleepiness and alertness.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What should i do if i forgot to take Patanjali Divya Vrikkdoshhar Vati

A: Take it as soon as possible.

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