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What is Ardha Pavanmuktasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Ardha Pavanmuktasana Ardha Pavanmuktasana The Sanskrit word ardha means half, pavana means air or wind and mukta means freedom or release, therefore this is the "wind relieving posture" so named because it assists in releasing trapped digestive gas...

What is Ardha Chakrasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Ardha Chakrasana Ardha Chakrasana Chakra means wheel and Ardha means half therefore this is the Half Wheel Posture. The Ardha-Chakrasana is also known as the urdhva-dhanurasana. Urdhva means raised, elevated or upright and dhanur means bow. Both "wheel...

What is Ardha Chandrasana 1, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Ardha Chandrasana 1 Ardha Chandrasana 1 In doing the Ardha-Chandrasana (half moon asana) pose; You receive unconscious energy of the moon, and this energy changes as per daily phases on moon shape. Moon is also a symbolic in...

What is Ardha Chandrasana 2, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Ardha Chandrasana 2 Ardha Chandrasana 2 This asana is similar to ushtrasana (The camel pose). This asana is another variation of Ardha-Chandrasana. Also Know as: Half Moon Pose 2, Ardh Chandra Asan, Adha Chander Asan How to start...

What is Adva Matsyasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Adva Matsyasana Adva Matsyasana In this asana posture the shape of the body appears similar to fish in the water.In this asana, one can float on the water without any movement in this asana. Also Know as:...

What is Advasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Advasana Advasana This is the good asana for relaxation. Also Know as: Prone Posture, Reverse Corpse Pose, Adhav Asan, Adhva Asana How to start this Asana Lie on your stomach. Stretch both arms forward on each side of...

What is Akaran Dhanurasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Akaran Dhanurasana Akaran Dhanurasana In this asana the body is stretched more like a string of bow when pulled at the time of archery. Also Know as: Bow To the Ear Pose, Bow And Arrow Posture,...

What is Anjaneyasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Anjaneyasana Anjaneyasana Anjaneyasana is named after the great Indian ape God. In this asana heart is connected to the lower part of the body, allowing the prana the opportunity to flow downward and upward. Also Know as:...

What is Ardha Bhujangasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Ardha Bhujangasana Ardha Bhujangasana In this asana let the lower part of your body from the toes up to the navel touch the ground. Place the palms on the ground and raise the head like a cobra. Because...

What is Adho Mukha Svanasan, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Adho Mukha Svanasan Adho Mukha Svanasan This asana is one of the most widely recognized yoga asana, This stretching asana gives new energy to the body. Downward-facing dog is an ancient posture depicted in Egyptian Art that is...

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Scabex Ointment : Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, FAQ

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