What is Samasana
Samasana In this posture, body remains in a symmetrical position and, therefore, it is named Samasana. It is a meditative Asana.
Also Know as: Symmetrical Pose, Equal Posture, Sam Asan, Sama Asana
How to start this Asana
What is Purna Salabhasana
Purna Salabhasana Purna-Salabhasana is a reverse posture to the Cobra Posture, which gives a backward bend to the spine.
Values of certain asanas are maximised when done one after the other. Cobra posture activates the upper...
What is Pavanmuktasana
Pavanmuktasana In Sanskrit “Pavan” means air, “mukta” means release or free. Pavanmuktasana balances the wind in whole body.
Also Know as: Wind-freeing Posture, Wind releaving Pose, Knee Squeeze Posture, Pavan or Pawan Mukt Asan, Pavana or...
What is Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita Padottanasana It is often suggested for people who cannot do Shirshasana , the headstand, so that they get similar benefits which include making the mind tranquil.
In this standing pose the body is in a...
What is Prishth Naukasana
Prishth Naukasana Prishth-Naukasana is a reverse boat pose. This asana is equal as Navasana.
Also Know as: Reverse boat Posture, facing down Boat Pose, Reverse Nauka Asan
How to start this Asana
Lie in Advasana (reverse...
What is Paripurna Navasana
Paripurna Navasana Although this asana is done on the floor, but actually it is a challenging balancing pose (the balance is on your buttocks).
The complete posture looks like a boat, and since you are balancing...
What is Parvatasana
Parvatasana In this the body is stretched to look like a mountain peak and so it is called the Parvatasana (parvat means mountain in Sanskrit).
Also Know as: Seated Mountain Pose, Seated Hill Posture, Parvata...
What is Paschimottanasana
Paschimottanasana Literally translated as "intense stretch of the west," Paschimottanasana can help a distracted mind unwind.
Also Know as: Paschimottanasana, Back-stretching Posture, seated forward bend pose, Pashchim Uttan Asan, Pashchima Uttana Asana, Paschimottana, Paschimottana, Pashchimottanasana
How to...
What is Padasana
Padasana In this asana you should keep your supporting thigh strong, lifting the kneecap up into the thigh.
This pose strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, back, buttocks and neck muscles.
Also Know as: Foot Posture, One Legged...
What is Padmasana
Padmasana Padma literally means lotus. This is the posture for meditation. It is the ultimate yoga pose, Padmasana requires open hips and consistent practice.
Also Know as: Lotus Posture/ Pose, Padma Asan, Padma Asana
How to start...
Scabex Ointment
Indoco Remedies Ltd
Lindane / Gamma Benzene Hexachloride (0.1%), Cetrimide (1%)
How to use Scabex Ointment
This medicine is for outside...