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What is Supta Garbhasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Supta Garbhasana Supta Garbhasana This asana is a spinal rocking child pose. Because it looks like a child spinal rocking pose, that is why, it is called sputa-garbhasana. Also Know as: Supine Child with Spinal Rocking posture,...

What is Supta Vajrasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Supta Vajrasana Supta Vajrasana This asana is the further development of Vajrasana. 'Supta' in Sanskrit means supine and Vajrasana means lying on the back. We lie on our back with folded legs, hence, it is called Supta-Vajrasana. Also...

What is Shirshasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Shirshasana Shirshasana This pose is the most recognized yoga pose than the other poses. Standing on one’s head is called Sirsasana. It is also called the king of the asanas, so one can practice this asana after having...

What is Siddhasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Siddhasana Siddhasana One of the most popular meditation postures is Siddhasana. The Sanskrit name means "Perfect Pose," because one attains perfection in yoga by meditating in this position. Siddhasana is useful to learn, since it is used as...

What is Simhasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Simhasana Simhasana Placing the palms on the knees, spreading out the fingers (and) opening the mouth wide, one should gaze at the tip of the nose and be well (composed). This Simhasana, adored by ancient yogis. Also Know...

What is Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Setu" means bridge. "Bandha" is Lock, and "Asana" is Pose or Posture. "Setu Bandhasana" means construction of a bridge. Setu-Bandha-Sarvangasana is a useful asana to follow Ushtrasana or Shirshasana because it lengthens...

What is Shashankasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Shashankasana Shashankasana Shashanka' in Sanskrit means the moon, that’s why it is called moon pose also. Also Know as: The Moon Pose, Hare Posture, Shashanka-Asana, Shashank-Asan, Sasankasana, Sasank How to start this Asana Sit with legs folded...

What is Shavasana, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Shavasana Shavasana We can truly get in touch with the deepest of Anahata Chakra through Shavasana. In this asana, as we release the whole of the body into the ground and allow the full effect of gravity to...

What is Sarvangasana 1, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Sarvangasana 1 Sarvangasana 1 This mysterious Asana which gives wonderful benefits. In this Asana the whole weight of the body is thrown on the shoulders. You really stand on the shoulders with the help and support of the...

What is Sarvangasana 2, Its Benefits & Precautions

What is Sarvangasana 2 Sarvangasana 2 This is the variation of Sarvangasana-1. This pose is more difficult than first pose because in this asana no support to the back will be given. Also Know as: Extended Shoulder Stand,...

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