Lavender: Uses, Side effects, Health benefits, Dose, Interactions

Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)

Lavender, frequently referred to as French Lavender, is a great smelling plant having medicinal as well as cosmetic residential properties.(HR/1)

It is frequently used in aromatherapy for mental and body relaxation. Lavender essential oil is primarily utilised in the manufacture of cosmetics such as hair shampoos, bath salts, fragrance formulations, food, pharmaceuticals, and insect repellents. Lavender’s anxiolytic qualities make it effective for reducing tension and anxiety. Its relaxant and anti-spasmodic effects help to relieve menstruation pain and discomfort.Menstrual symptoms can be relieved by drinking lavender tea or using lavender essential oil for aromatherapy. Lavender oil has a variety of skin and hair advantages. Lavender oil mixed with coconut oil applied on the skin prevents wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Lavender oil on the scalp once a day, according to Ayurveda, reduces hair fall by balancing Vata and reducing excessive dryness from the scalp. Excessive use of lavender tea should be avoided because it might induce unpleasant side effects such as nausea and vomiting.

Lavender is also known as :- Lavandula stoechas, Lavandula officinarum, Arabian or French Lavender, Tuntuna, Lavendra-no-phul, Ustukhudusa, Ulfajan, Heal-all

Lavender is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Lavender:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Menstrual pain : Due to its muscle relaxant and antispasmodic qualities, lavender tea may aid in the management of menstruation pain. It lowers menstruation discomfort and relieves involuntary muscular spasms. Linalool, a component with analgesic properties, is also present. This feature aids in the reduction of pain and discomfort associated with menstruation. Menstrual pain and cramps can be relieved by inhaling lavender essential oil or rubbing the lower back with lavender oil.
    “One of the best home treatments for reducing discomfort during menstruation or dysmenorrhea is lavender.” Dysmenorrhea is the discomfort or cramping that occurs during or just before a menstrual cycle. Kasht-aartava is the Ayurvedic term for this condition. Vata dosha regulates and controls Aartava, or menstruation. As a result, controlling Vata in a woman is critical for managing dysmenorrhea. Lavender is a Vata-balancing herb that can help with dysmenorrhea. Lavender tea decreases stomach pain and cramps during menstruation and helps manage aggravated Vata. Making Lavender Tea at Home Tips 1. Fill a teapot halfway with water and bring to a boil. 2. Toss in a few lavender flowers. 3. Allow 5 minutes for the flowers to steep in the water. You can steep them for a longer period of time (as per your requirement). 4. Strain or filter the liquid into a cup to remove the flowers from the tea. 5. Lavender tea can be had before night or whenever you need it.
  • Loss of appetite : Lavender tea may aid in the management of appetite loss. This is related to the fact that it stimulates hunger. It enhances food consumption by stimulating appetite.
  • Nausea : Although there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the usage of lavender to treat nausea. However, when combined with other herbs like ginger and fennel, it may act as an antiemetic (an agent that relieves nausea).
  • Toothache : Although there is insufficient scientific data to support the use of lavender to treat toothaches. It had, however, been used to treat tooth discomfort.
  • Vomiting : Lavender’s antiemetic properties may make it useful for vomiting. When combined with other herbs like ginger and fennel, it helps to alleviate nausea and vomiting symptoms.
  • Hair loss : Although there is insufficient scientific data to suggest the significance of lavender oil in hair loss. According to some research, using lavender oil in combination with other oils like rosemary and cedarwood may help increase hair development. Because of its antimicrobial properties, it also protects the scalp from infections.
    Lavender oil is one of the most effective oils for treating hair problems. Hair loss is caused by an increased Vata dosha in the body, which also causes dryness on the scalp, according to Ayurveda. Lavender oil balances Vata, eliminates excessive dryness, and prevents hair loss. How to Use Lavender Oil 1. Use 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil or as needed. 2. Use a carrier oil like rosemary or cedarwood to dilute it. 3. Apply it to the scalp once a day and three times a week to prevent hair loss.
  • Menopausal symptoms : The scent of lavender may aid in the management of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. These symptoms are primarily linked to stress, which causes the body’s stress hormone (cortisol) levels to rise. Lavender helps to treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms by lowering stress hormone levels.
  • Depression : Inhaling lavender oil may aid with depression. It has anti-depressant properties due to particular components. According to research, these compounds limit the reuptake of some neurotransmitters (serotonin) and hence improve mood.
  • Anxiety : Due to its anxiolytic properties, lavender oil, a common element in aromatherapy, may help to alleviate anxiety. It improves signal transmission to the brain, which lowers the action of certain mediators that cause anxiety. Anxiety symptoms are also reduced in severity, frequency, and length.
    Lavender can help you control anxiety symptoms. Vata governs all body movements and actions, as well as the nervous system, according to Ayurveda. Anxiety is primarily induced by a Vata imbalance. Lavender has a relaxing impact on the nervous system and helps to regulate Vata. It has a lovely odour, which is why it is used in aromatherapy or as a tea. How to Use Lavender Oil 1. Lavender oil can be used in aromatherapy to relieve depressive symptoms. 2. Fill a diffuser with lavender oil. 3. Put the diffuser in your bedroom for soothing effects and relief from anxiety symptoms.
  • Insomnia : Insomnia can be helped with lavender. It has sedative characteristics due to a component called linalool. These components aid in the treatment of sleep problems and the improvement of sleep quality.
    Lavender can help you get a good night’s sleep. An exacerbated Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda, renders the nervous system sensitive, resulting in Anidra (insomnia). Lavender’s Vata-balancing properties help to soothe the nervous system, which helps to manage sleeplessness. How to Use Lavender Oil 1. Aromatherapy can be used to treat insomnia with lavender oil. 2. Fill a diffuser with lavender oil. 3. Put the diffuser in your bedroom for relaxing effects and a good night’s sleep.
  • Ear infection : Lavender’s antibacterial properties may aid in the treatment of ear infections. It stops bacteria from growing in the middle ear. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, massaging lavender oil around the ear also relieves irritation.
  • Mouth ulcers : Although there isn’t enough scientific data to support the usage of lavender for canker sores. Due to its excellent healing and anti-inflammatory characteristics, topical use of lavender oil to the affected region may help reduce swelling and pain in canker sores.
    Lavender oil applied topically may assist to alleviate the symptoms of canker sores. Canker sores are common in those with a high Pitta, according to Ayurveda. Inflammation and burning in the affected area are also caused by Pitta. Lavender’s Ropan (healing) property aids in the reduction of inflammation and other symptoms. As a result, the injured region will heal faster. How to Apply Lavender Oil on Canker Sores 1. Use 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil or as needed. 2. Add a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to dilute it. 3. For rapid treatment from canker sores, apply it to the affected region once or twice a day.
  • Preventing mosquito bites : Because of its powerful odour and calming properties, lavender could be utilised as an insect repellent. Lavender, in the form of dried flowers or the full plant, repels insects and soothes bites.
  • Stress : Inhaling lavender reduces the release of stress hormone (cortisol) from the adrenal gland, which helps to manage stress. It also boosts serotonin production (the “happy hormone”), which may help with anxiety and stress relief. Lavender oil can also be applied topically to help with postpartum stress.
  • Dementia : Because of its relaxing and sedative characteristics, lavender aromatherapy may help to reduce certain symptoms of dementia, such as agitation. It decreases the agitation associated with dementia by calming the sufferer and inducing sleep.
  • Head lice : Because of its antiparasitic and insecticidal characteristics, lavender oil could be utilised to treat lice. It aids in the removal of lice and maintains the health of the scalp.
  • Colicky pain : Lavender may aid infants with colic by lowering cortisol (stress hormone) levels. It alleviates the stress that newborns experience as a result of continuous crying. It also possesses antispasmodic properties, which aid in the relief of stomach muscle spasms, which can be a cause of colic. According to certain research, abdomen massage with lavender oil lessens the duration of colicky infants’ weekly weeping. In addition, a lavender bath can help infants with colic.
    Lavender relieves the symptoms of colic, which are often caused by an exacerbated Vata. It causes gas to build in the stomach, which can cause colic pain. Vata can be balanced by using lavender oil or taking a bath with it. This relieves colic by releasing extra gas from the stomach. How to Use Lavender Oil for Colic 1. Use 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil or as needed. 2. Add a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to dilute it. To relieve colic discomfort, massage it on the affected area once or twice a day.
  • Fatigue : Inhaling lavender oil may aid with fatigue management by lowering stress and anxiety. It possesses sedative and anti-anxiety qualities, which aid in the induction of sleep and the reduction of anxiety symptoms. It also has a relaxing effect, which aids in the relaxation of the brain and the alleviation of stress. Aromatherapy massage with lavender oil may aid communication between the brain and the immune system (psychoneuroimmunology), reducing fatigue.
    Lavender can help you manage your weariness in everyday life. Fatigue is a sense of exhaustion, weakness, or a lack of energy. Fatigue is referred to as ‘klama’ in Ayurveda, and it is produced by an imbalanced Kapha dosha. Due to its Kapha balancing properties, lavender oil aromatherapy helps to alleviate fatigue symptoms. Lavender oil can be used to treat exhaustion in a variety of ways. 1. Lavender oil can be used in aromatherapy to help alleviate fatigue symptoms. 2. Fill a diffuser with lavender oil. 3. Put the diffuser in your bedroom for soothing effects and to alleviate fatigue symptoms. 4. You can also undertake a lavender oil massage with rosemary oil to receive immediate relief from the symptoms of fatigue.
  • Osteoarthritis : Because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics, lavender may be useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Lavender contains compounds that suppress the function of an inflammatory protein that causes inflammation. Osteoarthritis-related joint pain and swelling are reduced as a result of this.
    Lavender oil can help people with osteoarthritis manage their pain. According to Ayurveda, osteoarthritis, also known as Sandhivata, is caused by an increase in Vata dosha. It produces discomfort, swelling, and rigidity in the joints. Because of its Vata balancing properties, applying lavender oil to the affected area relieves pain and swelling in the joints linked with osteoarthritis. Lavender oil for osteoarthritis: Useful Hints 1. Use 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil or as needed. 2. Add a carrier oil, such as olive oil, to dilute it. 3. Massage it into the affected area once or twice a day to relieve osteoarthritis symptoms.
  • Pain relief : Lavender’s analgesic properties may aid in pain management. It gives pain relief without causing unconsciousness.
  • Restless leg syndrome : Although there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of lavender in the treatment of restless leg syndrome (RLS). Lavender massage therapy, on the other hand, may help hemodialysis patients control RLS because of its muscle relaxing and calming properties.
  • Acne : Because lavender oil has antibacterial properties, it may help treat acne by reducing the growth of acne-causing bacteria. It works as an anti-inflammatory drug, reducing acne-related inflammation and pain. It also prevents acne production by lowering sebum secretion rates.
    Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type is more prone to acne and pimples, according to Ayurveda. Kapha aggravation leads to an increase in sebum production, which clogs pores. Both white and blackhead pimples emerge as a result of this. Because of its Kapha balancing properties, using lavender oil to the skin helps to reduce sebum production and provides acne relief. How to Use Lavender Oil for Acne 1. Use 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil or as needed. 2. Add a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to dilute it. 3. To get rid of acne problems, apply it to the affected region once a day and three times a week.
  • Headache : Lavender may aid in the relief of a headache brought on by psychological tension or stress. Lavender relaxes the blood vessels and calms nervous tension. It also has analgesic properties, meaning it relieves pain.
    Lavender can help with headaches caused by stress or a disturbed sleep routine. Stress or interrupted sleep, according to Ayurveda, aggravates Vata, which can lead to a headache. Because of its Vata balancing properties, applying lavender oil or breathing the pleasant scent of lavender helps to alleviate tension by soothing the nervous system and promotes sound sleep. How to Use Lavender Oil for a Headache 1. Aromatherapy can be used to relieve headaches with lavender oil. 2. Fill a diffuser with lavender oil. 3. Put the diffuser in your bedroom for soothing effects and headache relief. 4. Massaging your forehead with lavender oil mixed with a carrier oil like almond oil will help relieve headaches quickly.
  • Migraine : Lavender relieves migraine pain by calming the nervous system and relaxing the blood vessels. It also contains analgesic effects that aid in the relief of pain and the management of migraines.
  • Eczema : Eczema is a skin ailment that causes inflammation, itching, and red spots. Lavender’s antifungal and antibacterial qualities aid in the treatment of eczema. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, lavender oil has a relaxing impact on the skin and decreases irritation and inflammation.
    Eczema can be controlled by applying lavender oil. Eczema is a skin ailment that causes rough, blistering, irritated, itchy, and bleeding skin. Because of its Ropan (healing) property, using lavender oil decreases inflammation and promotes rapid healing. Tips on how to use lavender oil for eczema. 1. Use 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil or as needed. 2. Add a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to dilute it. 3. To relieve eczema symptoms, apply this combination to the affected area once a day and three times a week.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) : Because of its soothing characteristics, a lavender aromatherapy bath may help decrease blood pressure. The perfume of lavender is quickly absorbed by the body, reaching blood vessels and causing deep relaxation. This relaxation aids in the reduction of blood pressure.

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Precautions to be taken while using Lavender:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)(HR/3)

  • Lavender may slow down the central nervous system when taken along with anesthesia and also other medicines throughout surgical procedure. So, it is advisable to prevent making use of Lavender 2 weeks prior to a scheduled surgical treatment.
  • Straight application of Lavender oil on the skin could create inflammation or irritation. So, it is recommended to utilize it in combination with some provider oil like coconut oil, olive oil, etc.
  • Special precautions to be taken while taking Lavender:-

    As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)(HR/4)

    • Breastfeeding : Since there isn’t sufficient scientific data to sustain the usage of lavender during breastfeeding. Because of this, it is best to prevent using lavender throughout breastfeeding or see a medical professional before doing so.
    • Moderate Medicine Interaction : Specific sedatives, such as barbiturates, may connect with lavender, triggering too much sleepiness or drowsiness. Therefore, it is best to stay clear of utilizing Lavender together with such medications.
    • Pregnancy : Since there isn’t adequate clinical data to sustain the use of lavender during pregnancy. As a result, it is best to avoid making use of lavender while pregnant or see a medical professional prior to doing so.
    • Allergy : In some people, making use of lavender oil topically may generate allergies such as skin irritability and dermatitis. Consequently, it is best to get medical recommendations before using Lavender oil to the skin.

    How to take Lavender:-

    As per several scientific studies, Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

    • Lavender Tea : You can make lavender tea in your home by complying with these simple activities Tips for making Lavender tea at homeBoil twenty0 to two50ml water in a teapot. Include a number of lavender flowers to it. Let the blossoms steep in the water for regarding 5 minutesYou can high them longer (as per your need). Get rid of the flowers from the tea by filtering or stressing the fluid right into a cup. You can appreciate lavender tea 1 or 2 times a day to do away with the indications of menstruation pain.
    • Use as external application : Take 4 to 5 declines of Lavender oil or according to your need. Weaken it with a provider oil like coconut oil. Apply it on the affected area daily as well as thrice a week. To remove the symptoms and signs of eczema.
    • Use as Aromatherapy oil : Lavender oil can be used for aromatherapy. Put Lavender oil in a diffuser. Position it in your room. To get soothing benefits appropriate prior to bed.

    How much Lavender should be taken:-

    As per several scientific studies, Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

    Side effects of Lavender:-

    As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)(HR/7)

    • Nausea
    • vomiting
    • Constipation
    • Headache
    • Increased appetite
    • Skin pigmentation
    • Photosensitization

    Questions asked frequently Related to the Lavender:-

    Question. What are the other ways of using Lavender?

    Answer. Lavender can be used in a variety of ways to treat a variety of ailments, including nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, depression, stress, and dementia. 1. For Oral Consumption Homemade Lavender Tea Recipes a. Fill a teapot halfway with water and bring to a boil. a. Toss in a few lavender flowers. d. Soak the flowers for about 5 minutes in the water. You can steep them for a longer period of time (as per your requirement). d. Strain or filter the liquid into a cup to remove the flowers from the tea. e. Lavender tea can be enjoyed before night or whenever you need it. 2. Lavender Aromatherapy Tips for External Use a. Place lavender oil in a diffuser. b. Keep the diffuser in your bedroom to reap the benefits of its soothing properties. c. You can also get fast relief by massaging with lavender oil and rosemary oil.

    Question. Can I keep Lavender indoor?

    Answer. Lavender is not a traditional houseplant, yet with careful care, it might be kept indoors. It needs to be exposed to enough sunshine, fresh air, and water regularly.

    Question. Are Lavender capsules available in the market?

    Answer. Yes, there are numerous brand names of lavender pills on the marketplace. They are available for acquisition online or at any kind of medical supply shop.

    Question. What are the other varieties of Lavender?

    Answer. Lavender also comes in the following varieties: Lavandula dentata (French Lavender) is a fragrant perennial shrub that grows best in tubs or pots. It’s more well-known for its aesthetic value than for its therapeutic or cosmetic properties. Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (English Lavender) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean. Because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antidepressant, and sedative characteristics, it has a wide range of therapeutic properties. Lavandula multifida (Egyptian Lavender) is a perennial, scented shrub native to the northwestern Mediterranean and the Canary Islands, and is also known as fern leaf lavender. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities are all present.

    Question. Is Lavender good for kidneys?

    Answer. Yes, lavender is beneficial to the kidneys. It includes antioxidant top qualities that help in the decrease of oxidative tension. It protects the cells (kidney) from free extreme damage and also avoids extra kidney issues such as nephrotoxicity.

    Question. Is Lavender beneficial in spasms?

    Answer. As a result of its spasmolytic properties, lavender may aid with spasms. It assists in the relaxation of smooth muscle mass as well as the decrease of spasms in the body.

    Question. Why does Lavender makes you feel sleepy?

    Answer. As a result of its sedative and hypnotic attributes, lavender makes us sleepy by inhibiting the action of certain neurotransmitters as well as loosening up the central nervous system.

    Question. Is Lavender toxic to humans?

    Answer. Although there isn’t enough scientific data to support the unsafe results of lavender. Nevertheless, according to a research study, some individuals may experience unfavorable effects from consuming lavender organic tea. As a result, it is advisable to get medical guidance before taking in Lavender organic tea.

    Question. Does Lavender affects normal hormonal activity?

    Answer. Yes, both men and women might be affected by lavender’s hormonal action. Making use of lavender oil on a regular basis causes a discrepancy in the levels of sexual hormones (estrogen and androgen). It has the prospective to produce very early breast development in ladies in addition to aberrant bust development in men (gynecomastia).

    Question. Is too much Lavender bad for you ?

    Answer. Although lavender has countless advantages, excessive usage may lead to negative effects such as constipation, frustrations, as well as a rise in appetite. Therefore, it is best to get clinical guidance prior to consuming lavender.

    Question. Can Lavender be used as a blood thinner?

    Answer. There is insufficient clinical information to support the use of lavender as a blood thinner.

    Question. Can Lavender essential oil cause Asthma?

    Answer. Although there wants scientific evidence to sustain the importance of lavender essential oil in the development of bronchial asthma. Actually, because of its anti-inflammatory buildings, lavender vital oil may aid to treat bronchial asthma. Breathing in lavender vital oil eases breathing and lowers swelling as well as allergies in the breathing system.

    Question. Does Lavender help in joint pain?

    Answer. Yes, because of its anti-inflammatory and also analgesic qualities, lavender oil may aid handle joint discomfort. It helps to relieve the discomfort and also swelling that includes joint discomfort.

    Question. Is Lavender oil good for wrinkles?

    Answer. Yes, as a result of its high anti-oxidant attributes, lavender oil is valuable for creases. It guards the skin’s cells from the damaging effects of complimentary radicals. Using lavender oil to the skin combined with coconut oil promotes blood circulation, oxygenates the skin, and prevents creases.

    Question. Does Lavender oil remove dark spots?

    Answer. There isn’t sufficient clinical information to sustain the use of lavender oil to remove black places.


    It is often used in aromatherapy for mental and also body leisure. Lavender important oil is mostly used in the manufacture of cosmetics such as hair shampoos, bath salts, scent solutions, food, pharmaceuticals, and insect repellents.